
My baby is 5 months old and was previously exclusively breastfed. Now, we have started introducing solid foods such as pigeon egg yolks and rice porridge. The baby has been fine recently, but has not defecated for the past two days. Is this normal? What were the past treatment situations and effects, and do we need assistance?


Based on your description, newborns have not fully developed their gastrointestinal functions, so their bowel movement frequency can vary. Some babies may defecate once every few days, while others may defecate several times a day. Normally, a baby’s stool should have normal characteristics and no other discomfort symptoms. If the baby does not defecate after adding solid foods, you can first observe the characteristics of the stool. If the characteristics are normal and there are no other discomforts, there is usually no need to worry excessively. Additionally, you can consider giving the baby oral probiotics to help with intestinal absorption. If you have any other questions or concerns, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or healthcare professional.