
My baby is only 8 months old and keeps suddenly developing a fever without any signs. It’s always a low-grade fever, and every time I use children’s fever-reducing suppositories and he gets better, but within a day he starts to have fevers again. There are no other symptoms besides the fever. When I take him to the hospital, he doesn’t have a fever anymore, and I’m at a loss for what to do. After using the fever-reducing suppositories, he sweats all over his body, and I don’t know what to do. He’s all drenched in sweat; should I add clothes or give him a quick bath? I’m worried that if he gets too wet, he might catch a cold. This morning, it was a bit chilly!


A baby’s fever can be caused by various factors, including infections or immune system issues. It is recommended that you closely monitor your baby for other symptoms when they have a fever. If the fever persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to take your baby to see a doctor promptly. Before the doctor determines the cause of the illness, you can take some measures to help your baby feel more comfortable, such as dressing them in light clothing, wiping their body with lukewarm water to cool down, or using fever-reducing medication. However, it is crucial to follow your doctor’s advice and avoid giving your baby any medication without authorization.