
“Will a 9-year-old child fully recover after an intestinal obstruction surgery?”


“Based on the information you provided, the child’s condition appears to be adhesive intestinal obstruction, which is often caused by abdominal surgery, intra-abdominal inflammation, or other factors. Although the child has recovered well postoperatively, symptoms such as dry heaves and the expulsion of green, thick stomach fluid after eating suggest a possible recurrence of complete intestinal obstruction. In this situation, surgery may be the only effective method to resolve the intestinal obstruction. Since you are receiving treatment at a renowned hospital with advanced medical technology and equipment, a second surgery is necessary to address the complex causes leading to the recurrence. The postoperative recovery will be influenced by various factors, including the child’s constitution, the surgical method, and postoperative care. It is recommended that you closely monitor your child’s physical condition postoperatively, follow the doctor’s instructions for recovery, and pay attention to dietary and daily life management. If symptoms such as abdominal pain and dry heaves recur, seek medical attention immediately and provide a detailed description of the changes in your condition for timely accurate diagnosis and treatment.”