
The baby has been suffering from diarrhea since one month after birth, with flatulence carrying stool, and diarrhea after drinking milk or water, occurring about eight to nine times a day. I checked the white blood cell count carefully yesterday? The baby is currently taking probiotics. Should I use montmorillonite powder, and is there a possibility of having a slight case of enteritis?


Based on your description, the baby is experiencing diarrhea, flatulence with stool, and diarrhea after eating or drinking, occurring about eight to nine times a day. The white blood cell count is elevated. The baby is currently taking probiotics. It is recommended to take oral montmorillonite powder for antidiarrheal treatment. Additionally, it is suggested to supplement with probiotics to nourish the intestinal flora. If necessary, amoxicillin granules can be taken for symptomatic anti-inflammatory treatment.