
My baby, who is five and a half months old, started having diarrhea and fever two days ago. After applying a fever-reducing patch last night, the fever went down. However, it rose again yesterday afternoon, and we gave him a shot for fever reduction last night. As of this morning, his temperature is normal, but he is still having diarrhea. When we give him medicine, he throws it up. The stool test shows there are some fat globules, indicating indigestion. Do we have to resort to intravenous fluid therapy? He refuses to take medication now.


If a five-month-old child has symptoms of diarrhea and fever, it may indicate some form of enteritis. If digestion is poor, it is important to treat it promptly with medication. During this period, it is recommended to eat small meals more frequently and drink some rice porridge, while reducing the intake of formula milk. Use physical methods to lower the body temperature and take some Yiganerjin Granules and Jindanxi granules for treatment. If there are frequent bowel movements, you can use a little Montmorillonite powder to stop diarrhea.