
My child has been coughing for nearly two months, and it keeps coming back. Now it’s severe. He had two fevers of 38.5℃ last night, and he keeps vomiting. He’s not drinking much formula milk. He has a bit of a runny nose, and he always feels like he wants to throw up with dry heaves. The test results just came out. What symptoms are these? What should we do?


The normal CRP value indicates that the child’s fever this time is still due to common cold-like conditions, with no signs of bacterial infection in the body. If the body temperature is below 38.5°C, you can temporarily give fever-reducing medication to relieve the symptoms. We cannot clearly determine the cause of the cough at this point, so we suggest taking the child to the pediatric department for a follow-up consultation to receive symptomatic relief such as fever reduction. If necessary, physical cooling methods can be used to lower the body temperature.