
My baby is one month old and can understand many commands, like TV, clock, shoes, light, and will point to ask for a giant panda, and will also ask how to blow a hairdryer and deliberately imitate. However, when playing during the warm weather of about eight or nine months ago, he seemed to not like looking at people much and always disliked picking up small things from the ground. At home, they look at each other well, but when he was little, his muscle tone was a bit high and he has undergone rehabilitation. I am worried that my child’s intelligence may not be high and I am worried about autism. In summary, I am very anxious. Lately, I feel that the child has made great progress; teaching him once is enough, and when you give him a compliment, he will understand immediately. He knows who his parents are, and when you say to give something to someone, he knows who to give it to. But he doesn’t walk steadily; he runs off as soon as he starts.


Based on your description, the baby is fine. I hope you will give the baby cod liver oil and calcium for digestion, do more touching and weakness exercises for the baby, and communicate more with the baby through language and personal interactions. This will help with the baby’s growth and development in all aspects.