
The 65-day-old girl drinks milk six times a day, 110 milliliters each time. Her body temperature is normal. She has been coughing for two weeks, with mild coughing in the morning and evening, and a sensation of phlegm in the throat. The baby cries excessively after feeding, vomiting and coughing. There is also an umbilical hernia, with a large and weak navel, and the parents are at a loss as to what to do.


The 65-day-old baby is on formula feeding and has been coughing for a month now, with more pronounced coughing in the morning and evening, accompanied by phlegm in the throat. The baby cries excessively after feeding, vomiting, and burping. In addition to the umbilical hernia, the hernia is quite prominent. This condition may be related to the cough, as the baby might have bronchitis or bronchopneumonia, causing discomfort that leads to crying and vomiting after feeding. It is necessary to consult pediatrician at the hospital for a re-examination. Blood tests can identify the causative pathogen. A few taps on the lungs may be needed, and a chest X-ray may be necessary if required. After diagnosing bronchitis or bronchopneumonia, intravenous treatment may be required. As for the hernia, it can be consulted with a general surgeon who can perform umbilical cord repair for the baby.