
My baby is 2 months old, and I’ve recently noticed that he has very smelly farts and poop. He has bowel movements about 2 to 3 times a day, and he also passes a lot of gas. I want to know what could be causing this?


During the infant stage, a baby’s digestive system is not fully developed, so the occurrence of smelly farts and poop may be due to dyspepsia. This condition often occurs when a baby consumes too much lactose or protein, which are not fully digested in the intestines, leading to more gas and odor. Additionally, the baby’s intestinal flora may not have reached a balanced state, causing incomplete food decomposition. It is recommended that you observe your baby’s stool condition. If you find undigested food particles or abnormal shapes in the stool, you may need to adjust your baby’s diet. You can consider reducing your baby’s milk intake or giving them some warm water before and after feeding to aid digestion. If the situation is severe, it is advisable to take your baby to the hospital for a routine stool examination to determine the specific cause and use some digestive aids under the doctor’s guidance. Remember to give your baby plenty of water to keep the intestines moist and prevent constipation.