
My five-year-old daughter has hard stool resembling chestnuts, often experiences abdominal pain, and urinates frequently. She has had these symptoms before, and I would like to know what could be causing this?


Firstly, it’s important to pay attention to your daughter’s diet. Encourage her to consume more fiber-rich foods, drink plenty of water, avoid fussy eating, and limit dairy products (as she might be allergic to milk protein, which can lead to constipation). Secondly, train her in the habit of defecation by regularizing her bowel movements. If she hasn’t had a bowel movement in over two days, you can use methods such as suppositories, massage, or enemas to help her pass stool, but these should be done at fixed times to establish a regular bowel movement routine. Lastly, consider using some medications like oral probiotics, yogurt, or commonly used laxatives such as lactulose and Duphalac.