
Why does eating oranges cause diarrhea?


There are several possible reasons for experiencing diarrhea after eating oranges, including food allergies, gastrointestinal discomfort caused by the natural chemicals in oranges such as naringin, or indigestion from overeating. If your child is experiencing diarrhea, it’s advisable to closely monitor their mental state, whether their fontanelle is sunken, and if they have frequent, large amounts of watery stools or vomiting. If any abnormalities are detected, seek medical attention promptly. Additionally, during a bout of diarrhea, it’s important to prevent dehydration and malnutrition. Breastfeeding infants should continue to be fed breast milk, with the mother reducing fat intake to provide easier-to-digest milk. For infants who have already started on complementary foods, offer easily digestible foods such as thin rice porridge, noodles, minced meat, and mashed vegetables, following the principle of small and frequent meals. Remember to keep your baby’s bottom clean and dry to prevent diaper rash and urinary tract infections. If the baby shows signs of drowsiness, frequent vomiting, or dehydration, seek medical attention immediately.