
How do I treat persistent nasal congestion in my child?


For children with nasal congestion, nasal congestion relief granules can be used, and it is best to combine this with massage therapy. (1) The child sits or lies on their stomach, and the parent uses their thumb and index finger to press the point at the upper end of the nasolabial fold for 1 to 3 minutes. (2) The parent uses their thumbs to lightly press the Baihui point for 1 minute. (3) The parent uses the pad of their index finger to glide up the nasal bone from top to bottom until a warm sensation is felt in the area. (4) The parent massages the Hegu point for 1 to 3 minutes. (5) The parent sits the child and uses one hand to support the child’s forehead, applying thumb and middle finger pressure to both sides of the Fengchi point for 1 to 3 minutes. (6) The child lies on their back, and the parent uses a palm to cross-scrape the back until warmth is felt through the skin.