
The child is 100 days old and weighs only 7.3 jin (approximately 3.7 kg). The child cannot lift their head. The mother had high blood sugar and excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy, which later returned to normal. In the late stages of pregnancy, the fetal heart monitoring was poor, requiring frequent oxygen intake, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck once, the placenta was small, and the amniotic fluid was low, leading to restricted fetal growth. At full-term cesarean section, the baby weighed 4.7 jin (approximately 2.35 kg). Inquiring about how to increase the baby’s weight gain speed. Currently fed with formula milk, having changed several types of formula, now using Yuan milk. No treatment has been received and assistance is sought. The baby’s weight gain is slow, is there a possibility of health issues? How can the baby catch up with normal development? What tests should be conducted?


If the baby’s weight is not increasing, it may be related to the amount of milk intake. It is recommended to choose a suitable formula milk for the baby. It is advised to go to a pediatric neurology department as soon as possible for a check-up to assess the baby’s brain development and the reason for the lack of weight gain.