
How can I wean my baby? The milk isn’t enough, and I want to wean him. Previous treatment and effects: I’ve weaned before, but it didn’t matter how much help I needed. I want to ask if eating chive can stop breastfeeding and if I don’t want to take galactogogue medicine.


The best time to wean a baby is during the comfortable autumn and spring seasons, in a comfortable temperature and environment where the baby is more likely to recover from the changes brought about by weaning, and will not easily develop digestive problems due to new foods. This makes the physical and psychological transition period easier to navigate. Weaning should be done gradually, by shortening breastfeeding intervals and gradually introducing complementary foods to help the baby wean naturally. It is not advisable to suddenly stop breastfeeding, as this may cause psychological discomfort in the child. Additionally, it’s important to teach the baby to use a bottle before weaning, so they can gradually get accustomed to and understand the taste of formula milk.