My baby is 1.5 years old and has developed in-toed walk. Initially, it was just one foot, but now both feet are affected. An X-ray showed no abnormalities, and the doctor didn’t say anything. However, it seems to have worsened recently. How can it be corrected?
Many children’s shins may have some curvature before the age of 2, which usually straightens out naturally. Some children may appear to have a degree of in-toed gait. Typically, a child’s in-toed gait disappears after the age of 7 and does not require treatment. In rare cases, bow legs or in-toed gait may be caused by a disease and should be treated by a doctor. It is recommended that children take 400 IU of vitamin D daily before the age of 3 to prevent rickets, as it can lead to bow legs.