My newborn is five days old, and on the third day, I noticed their face turning yellow. Can they be treated with blue light?
The baby is five days old, and on the third day, their face turned yellow. The bilirubin level was measured at 10.5 in the afternoon and 11.2 later that day. The next morning, it was 12.5. After drinking Barley Water, the level was measured at 10.6 in the afternoon. On the fifth day, the morning reading was 13.6, and an afternoon blood test showed bilirubin levels of 278. The doctor recommended blue light therapy, which the mother-in-law found distressing. The baby is five days old, and the face turned yellow on the third day. Barley Water has been given to the child. The doctor suggested blue light therapy, so it should be done. Blue light therapy is quite effective for reducing jaundice quickly; there is no need to worry. Feeding the baby more milk, drinking more water, and exposing them to sunlight can all help in reducing jaundice. These are the suggestions for the question ‘Can a newborn with yellow face after five days be treated with blue light?’ I hope this helps; wishing you health!