
My baby, who is 1 year and 8 months old, had just been discharged from pneumonia treatment a week ago and now is experiencing sneezing, runny nose, cough, and fever again. How should we treat this? Could it be another pneumonia outbreak? I gave him Azythromycin and pediatric lung heat cough granules yesterday when the symptoms recurred. Along with Qingre Ning Granules, his fever reached a high of 38.5 degrees last night and has been consistently at 38 degrees ever since. He’s not coughing much anymore, but he still has a runny nose. He keeps running a high fever; what should we do?


Based on your description, I recommend taking your child to a pediatrician for a follow-up visit so that the doctor can conduct a detailed examination and relevant tests to determine the child’s current condition. The doctor will guide symptomatic treatment based on the results of the examination. Please actively cooperate with the treatment as advised by the doctor and wish your baby a speedy recovery. It’s possible that there may be a bacterial infection; it may not necessarily be an outbreak but could be a new infection. Please seek medical attention and receive standardized treatment as soon as possible.