
My baby is 10 months old. At midnight on the 9th, he started having dry heaves. By the afternoon, his fever had reached above 38.5°C. Despite taking fever-reducing medicine, the fever came back repeatedly. By the third midnight, his fever reached 39.9°C, so we rushed him to the hospital. There, he started feeling nausea and vomiting but did not dry heave. After two days in the hospital, his fever went down, and now he doesn’t have nausea or vomiting anymore. His throat is inflamed and swollen, he cries a lot, doesn’t eat anything, and seems lackluster. What’s going on? The doctor said it’s acute gastroenteritis and advised against drinking milk. How should I treat it?


I’m sorry to hear about your baby’s symptoms. Based on your description, your baby may have mycoplasma infection with concurrent myocardial damage, which could lead to your baby’s lack of energy, poor appetite, and crying. It is recommended that you take your baby to the hospital immediately for treatment, including anti-mycoplasma infection therapy and comprehensive treatment for myocardial nutrition. At the same time, your baby needs rest, reduced activity, and enhanced care. I hope your baby can recover soon.