
My baby is 1 year and 3 months old and just started eating peanuts. Unfortunately, he choked on one, and it seems like a peanut is stuck in his throat, causing discomfort but he can’t cough it up. What should I do? He cried while eating peanuts and that’s when he choked.


When a child coughs, it’s possible that the peanut has already gone down into the stomach. If the peanut gets stuck in the trachea, the situation can become serious within minutes, leading to suffocation or difficulty breathing. If you’re asking this question online, it’s likely that the child has already swallowed the peanut. There’s no need to worry too much. It’s best for children under 3 years old to avoid eating small granular foods like beans and peanuts to prevent such incidents from happening again. I hope this helps!