
The neonate’s bilirubin level reached 437 on the sixth day after birth, and after treatment with blue light therapy and human serum albumin, the bilirubin level dropped to 297. The parents are worried whether the high bilirubin level will affect the baby’s brain, although the baby currently has no complications and is doing well in feeding, sleeping, and mental state. After five days of hospitalization, the doctor has not yet identified the cause of the high bilirubinemia, and the MRI examination did not show any abnormalities in the brain. The baby was born at 39 weeks + 4 days, weighing 6 jin and 8 liang, and is healthy in all other aspects except for the slightly elevated bilirubin level. The parents are concerned about whether the high bilirubin level will affect the baby’s brain nerves.


According to the parents’ description, neonatal bilirubin levels typically begin to rise within 3 to 5 days after birth, usually reaching a peak between the fifth and tenth day, and then gradually declining between the tenth and fourteenth day. The parents mentioned that the baby’s bilirubin level reached 437 on the sixth day after birth and dropped to 297 after treatment. This situation may require further examination to determine the cause of the elevated bilirubin levels and to assess whether it will affect the baby’s brain. The parents mentioned that the baby has no complications and is doing well in feeding, sleeping, and mental state, which are positive signs. At the same time, the parents mentioned that the baby’s blood type is related to that of the parents’, which may be one of the factors causing elevated bilirubin levels, and it needs to be further assessed by the doctor based on specific circumstances. If the parents have any concerns about their baby’s health condition, it is recommended to consult with a doctor for professional advice and follow the doctor’s recommendations for further examination and treatment.