
The 38-day-old baby often coughs up milk clumps and has been making gurgling sounds in the stomach recently. Sometimes, the baby vomits large amounts of milk clumps, mixed with water and milk. The stool is green and contains milk clumps. The baby is currently on mixed feeding, and sometimes the baby’s hands and feet sweat. Probiotics have been given to the baby, but the situation doesn’t seem to be improving. What is going on?


Vomiting is quite common in such young children. As long as the child’s diet and weight are within the normal range and they continue to grow, there is no need to worry excessively. I suggest not giving the child any oral medication unnecessarily; probiotics are sufficient, without the need for other medications. It is unlikely for such a young child to suffer from any serious illness. These are my suggestions for the “38-Day-Old Baby’s Problem of Coughing Up Milk Clumps and Gurgling Stomach Sounds.” I hope this helps you, and wish your baby health!