My child is now six and a half years old, and one milk tooth hasn’t fallen out yet. Recently, a new permanent tooth has grown, and the milk tooth in the lower jaw has started to loosen but hasn’t fallen out yet. Do I need to help my child have the tooth extracted? What precautions should I take?
For a 6-year-old boy, with the permanent tooth erupting while the milk tooth hasn’t fallen out yet, it is recommended to have an oral examination and treatment at a dental clinic. According to your description, your child has a problem with retained milk teeth and should have the retained milk teeth removed as soon as possible. It is recommended to undergo extraction surgery at a dental clinic. This is the suggestion for the question “My child is now six years old, the milk tooth in the lower jaw has loosened but hasn’t fallen out yet, do I need to help my child have the tooth extracted?” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!