
My newborn is 17 days old and always coughs while drinking milk, but does not spit up. She breathes rapidly while drinking, always feels like she can’t catch her breath, there’s a gurgling sound in her throat, and sometimes she coughs after drinking a few sips. Her stomach always gurgles, and she feels relieved after passing gas…she hasn’t spit up any milk.


Babies often cough while drinking milk, which may be due to their undeveloped swallowing ability and the rapid flow of milk. It is recommended to slightly elevate the baby’s head during feeding to reduce the risk of choking. If using a bottle, opt for a smaller hole nipple rather than a cross hole nipple suitable for older babies. If breastfeeding, gently press the breast with your hand to slow down the flow of milk. These are the suggestions for this issue; I hope they are helpful to you, and wish you health!