
My baby has been 6 months old since birth, and they always shake their head while sleeping at night, only willing to sleep when held in my arms. What could be the cause? Although I have given them cod liver oil and calcium gluconate, there has been no improvement.


Based on the information you provided, your baby may have a calcium deficiency. The head shaking during sleep could be due to excessive sweating and headache, which may be early symptoms of rickets caused by calcium deficiency. The lack of improvement despite taking cod liver oil and calcium gluconate might be due to insufficient dosage. It is recommended to increase the intake of Vitamin A&D (cod liver oil) under the guidance of a local pediatrician to promote calcium absorption, as well as to increase the intake of calcium supplements (such as calcium gluconate oral solution). Additionally, appropriate sun exposure helps the body generate endogenous Vitamin D3, which aids in calcium absorption. Following these recommendations should lead to a quick improvement in your baby’s symptoms.