
My child is a 9-year-old boy. He recently said his ear hurts, and there is a lot of yellow earwax. He also has a headache and fever. How should a child with otitis media be treated for an earache?


If a child has otitis media, the first step is to use symptomatic antibiotic medication, perform ear secretion bacterial culture, and use anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the test results. During severe ear pain, painkillers can be used in appropriate amounts; if accompanied by a high fever, parents can give antipyretic medication. If the condition is severe, medical treatment should be sought as soon as possible. These are currently the more common treatment methods for otitis media. If there is a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment is required. It is recommended that parents pay attention to this disease, seek medical treatment early, and also pay attention to relevant prevention and health care work in their daily lives.