
My child is 1 year and 9 months old but cannot speak. For a while, they could call out ‘mommy,’ but for the past two months, they haven’t spoken and don’t respond when called by their name. What should I do? They only make very simple sounds when they try to talk. The hospital checks have shown normal hearing and intelligence. I hope the child can speak sooner.


In this situation, it’s quite normal for the baby not to talk, even for children of the same age. It’s important to talk to the baby more often. Suggestions: Parents should create a good language environment for the baby, such as avoiding using various dialects during family conversations. Try to speak in standard Mandarin as much as possible, otherwise, the child may not know which language to learn. Additionally, those who take care of the baby should engage in more communication with the child, be observant, and discover the child’s interests. If you guide the baby to talk about things they are interested in, they will become very excited. Parents should not show too much anxiety, as this may put more pressure on the child.