
A 7-year-old boy has been physically weak since childhood, frequently suffering from diarrhea and accompanied by a whistling sound during breathing. Since he was 2 years old, his sleep quality has been poor, often with the habit of touching others’ hands and feet at night. He only learned to walk at 17 months old and started speaking at the age of 3, but his expression is still unclear. He is not very proactive in playing with children of the same age, currently attending kindergarten, and cannot correctly write numbers within 20. He also shows a delay in learning dance under teacher guidance.


The boy’s condition may be caused by a neurological issue, and it is recommended to adopt cellular infiltration repair therapy. The principle of this therapy is to utilize the self-renewal and differentiation capabilities of neural cells to repair damaged neural tissue. Neural cells have the lifelong characteristic of self-renewal and can be induced to differentiate into various mature neural cell types. They are the foundation for the formation and development of the nervous system, thus showing significant therapeutic effects for neurological diseases.