
The 8-month-old baby has been frequently crying and showing a lack of appetite recently. What is the appropriate amount of food to feed?


Generally speaking, an 8-month-old baby can have 5 to 6 meals a day. In the morning, one feeding of formula milk can be given, along with some fruit in between; at noon, rice porridge or vegetable puree, or steamed egg custard can be consumed; in the afternoon, soft noodles and fruit can be added; dinner can include more rice porridge; and before bedtime, another feeding of milk can be provided. If breastfeeding, 2 to 3 times a day should suffice. Child health issues have always been a concern for parents, and when dealing with such situations, general treatment methods are often considered. Parents must use professional methods to quickly help their children recover from illnesses without affecting their growth and development. Therefore, it is hoped that parents will pay attention to their child’s condition and seek medical treatment promptly.