
What should a child with cough and phlegm eat?


Generally, dietary choices have little impact. It is best to take a sputum culture before using antibiotics. Typically, if antibiotics are not effective after three days, consider switching; it is not advisable to frequently change antibiotics. Furthermore, symptomatic treatment with cough-suppressing, expectorant, and asthma-relieving medications should be used to alleviate symptoms, with nebulizer inhalation being quite effective. Additionally, consider nebulizer inhalation therapy. Wishing for a quick recovery. There are many triggers for pediatric respiratory systems; if a child is diagnosed with pediatric respiratory issues, parents need to cooperate with the doctor for timely treatment, coordinate with gastrointestinal decompression, and develop good hygiene habits. Parents should also be mindful not to foster picky eating habits in children and ensure a balanced diet.