
My baby was born just a few days ago and has been frequently scratching his ears lately. I want to ask if shouting can affect a newborn’s hearing?


A healthy baby’s hearing and language development follows a certain schedule. From birth to three months old, babies will react to sounds above 60 decibels, such as by trembling all over or turning their heads to find the source of the sound. If a baby of this age is scratching his ears, it may be due to curiosity or a normal exploratory behavior during sensory development, but it could also be a sign of discomfort in the ears, such as water in the ear or earwax buildup. A newborn’s hearing is usually checked by the hospital during the health screening after birth. If any abnormalities are found, doctors will provide timely assessments and treatments. Parents should pay attention to their baby’s behavior and consult pediatricians or otolaryngologists as soon as possible if they suspect hearing problems, in order to discover and address any potential issues early on.