
I didn’t realize he had this condition, and he’s not feeling well either. Can I add complementary foods if the breast milk is low?


It’s a bit too early to introduce complementary foods for the baby now, and rice cereal is not allowed either. If you feel that the baby’s nutrient intake is insufficient, I can give you a suggestion: you can cook fruit and vegetable water for the baby, which is both healthy and nutritious, and it can also improve the baby’s skin. Apple water is good for treating diarrhea, so you can give the baby some depending on the situation. In summer, you can offer pear water and radish water, as well as vegetable water. It’s best not to give the baby fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juice, as it may cause digestion issues. When making the water, don’t add sugar; it can protect the baby’s oral cavity. Avoid giving the baby cooked water before bedtime.