Is It Normal for Babies Not to Poop?
It is recommended to increase water intake and reduce the amount of formula milk when feeding the baby. If the baby hasn’t had a bowel movement for three days, you can use a 5-milliliter syringe to draw 1.5 milliliters of lubiprostone and inject it into the anus. Then, temporarily block it with a sanitary napkin to help the baby defecate. For baby eczema on the face, you can apply Qumixin cream topically to the affected area for treatment. There are many factors that can cause pediatric digestive diseases. If a child is diagnosed with pediatric digestive disease, parents should cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, undergo gastrointestinal decompression, and develop good hygiene habits. Parents should avoid letting their children be picky eaters or have a preference for certain foods and should provide reasonable nutrition.