
How to treat a child with pneumonia?


If your child has been diagnosed with pediatric pneumonia, the causes and treatments are numerous. The symptoms typically include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Some children may experience severe coughing without fever, leading to internal heat due to retained food and phlegm. Exposure to cold and wind can further impede lung function, exacerbating the condition. If the child comes into contact with carriers of bacteria, such as someone with a fever, they are easily infected and may develop pneumonia. Pneumonia can also be transmitted through the bloodstream, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Severe cases may experience decreased appetite, dry heaves, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and in severe cases, vomiting material may be coffee-colored or contain blood. Personal advice: For a 7-month-old child with pneumonia, parents should be careful and attentive to the child’s body temperature and respiratory condition. Always keep the indoor air fresh and quiet, allowing the child to rest well. In terms of diet, eat easily digestible, high-calorie, and vitamin-rich foods; soft foods are best as they aid in digestion. When the child coughs, pat their back to help expel phlegm; do this from the bottom up. Keep the room from being too dry and ensure the child drinks enough water. Wishing your child good health.