
I have been feeling difficulty in breathing and my throat always seems to have phlegm for about a week or two. The previous treatment and its effectiveness due to fever: The doctor said it was bronchopneumonia, and I was hospitalized for more than ten days and discharged, but the symptoms recurred a few days later. I am seeking assistance on how to treat…


During the recovery period, a baby’s body resistance is low, and if not properly cared for, they may relapse after catching a cold. Treatment can include antibiotics, such as cefixime or cefaclor, if there is no allergy to penicillin. At the same time, expectorants like ambroxol and Pulmicort can be administered. The dosage for cefixime is 5mg/kg/day, for cefaclor is 20mg/kg/day, ambroxol is 5ml per dose, twice a day, and Pulmicort can also be 5ml per dose, three times a day. Since the full medical history and physical examination were not fully understood, the above suggestions are for reference only. If necessary, visit the hospital for a follow-up consultation to avoid delaying the condition.