
Should a 5-month-old baby be provided with complementary foods? If so, what kind of food should be given?


It is possible to start introducing complementary foods, but they should begin with single-ingredient, thin foods and gradually increase the variety and thickness. Introduce only one new food at a time and observe if the baby adapts. Initially, you can try giving two tablespoons of rice porridge. If the baby absorbs it well, gradually increase the amount. If digestion issues are observed, reduce the amount of food. The adjustment process should be gradual and allow the baby an adaptation period. Suggested complementary foods include rice porridge, rice soup, banana puree, and meat puree. Precautions include: complementary foods should be age-appropriate for the baby, gradually increase from one food to multiple, from thin to thick, from fine to coarse, start with small amounts, stop immediately if the baby is uncomfortable, do not replace milk with complementary foods too early, and ensure that complementary foods have a good taste to cultivate positive eating emotions in the baby. These are the suggestions regarding whether a 5-month-old baby is suitable to start introducing complementary foods. We hope this helps you, and wish you health!