
Can children with spleen and stomach deficiency drink the Snake Gall and Fritillaria Loquat Decoction?


Children with spleen and stomach deficiency should be cautious when taking any medication, especially traditional Chinese medicine. According to medical advice, the discontinued ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine for spleen and stomach deficiency include menthol, camphor, naphthol, fritillaria, realgar, chrysanthemum flowers, bear bile, Kowtow tea, Qili powder, infant powder, and realgar detoxification pills. The main ingredients of the Snake Gall and Fritillaria Loquat Decoction are snake gall, fritillaria, loquat leaf extract, poria cocos, houttuynia cordata, tangerine peel, Platycodon grandiflorus, fresh ginger, and licorice. However, since this medicine may contain menthol as a flavoring agent, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use or conduct a small test to observe for any adverse reactions. Doctors advise that if a child has spleen and stomach deficiency, mothers should not be overly anxious as this is a genetic disorder that cannot be changed. Generally speaking, children with mild spleen and stomach deficiency have few dietary restrictions (except for broad beans), while those with severe cases should follow the professional advice of doctors.