
Why do babies sweat while sleeping?


Excessive sweating is a common symptom in infancy. Some babies may sweat during the day from physical activity, while others might sweat upon falling asleep or even in the late hours of the night. Some cases of sweating are physiological, while others may be pathological. Parents should accurately differentiate between physiological and pathological hyperhidrosis based on their child’s specific sweating patterns. The secretion of sweat glands is related to the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which is not directly controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, any factor that can increase sympathetic nervous system excitability can lead to sweating. For children who sweat excessively, skin care is crucial. Regular bathing or wiping down, changing into fresh undergarments, and maintaining clean skin are essential to prevent the recurrence of sweat rash or eczema, or skin cracking and subsequent secondary infections.