
The 2-month-old boy weighs only 14 jin and is 69 cm tall. At birth, he weighed 5.34 jin and was 48 cm tall. Ask about the appropriate feeding method for a day and whether further examination is needed.


A 2-month-old boy weighing 14 jin falls within the normal range, but to ensure healthy growth, it is recommended to start introducing complementary foods. By 7 to 8 months, you can begin offering minced fish, liver puree, thin rice porridge, and soft noodles. Additionally, introduce chopped vegetables and fruits to train chewing skills. At this stage, the milk intake can be reduced to 500 milliliters per day, and semi-solid formulas such as rice porridge or noodle puree can be increased. Under the condition that milk intake does not exceed 500 milliliters, two additional formula feedings can be added daily. Suitable food choices include buns, cookies, liver puree, animal blood, and tofu. Moreover, gradually cultivate the habit of the child eating independently and using utensils.