
Most children tend to have high fever at night, with occasional coughs here and there. They seem to be improving compared to a few days ago, but the coughing has increased in frequency. They want to sleep when they have a fever. Their bowel movements were normal before, but today they are a bit loose. They don’t feel like eating when they have a fever, but once they cool down, they want to eat. Their weight…


If there is phlegm, you can give them Fresh Bamboo Decoction or Children’s Mahan Gan Granules for treatment. If the condition is severe, it is recommended to undergo intravenous fluid therapy. Additionally, it is suggested to use a mixture of walnuts, sesame seeds, red dates, and honey as follows: 2.5 liang of walnut meat, 1 liang of black sesame seeds, 2.5 liang of red dates. Crush these materials and mix them evenly in a large bowl. Add half a spoon of honey and 1.5 spoons of water (since honey is not easy to mix evenly, you can heat the honey and water on the stove). Cover the bowl and place it in a large pot to steam. After the water boils on high heat, turn it down to low heat and steam for 40 minutes. Give the child one spoonful twice a day. This recipe is especially suitable for children and has excellent therapeutic effects on chronic coughs, bronchitis, and asthma in children. It can also alleviate constipation. Long-term use can strengthen the child’s constitution.