
What were the previous treatment situations and effects of tonsillitis: Taking various medications, including Latin and cough medicine. What kind of assistance is needed: To get better quickly, stop coughing, and what medications are good with minimal side effects…


Generally, both medication and dietary therapy can effectively alleviate the symptoms of a child’s cough. For example, the Nian Ci An Honey Syrup of Spatholobus and Loquat can provide a soothing relief; just take a sip, and your throat no longer itches! Guidance: You can opt for the baby to inhale the cool blood medicine through the Snakegall Spatholobus Loquat Mixture. Traditional Chinese medicine like Spatholobus decoction with pear can also help with expectoration and cough relief; you can use one pear, cut off the top as a lid, hollow out the core, add 10 grams of rock sugar and 6 grams of Spatholobus powder, cover the pear lid, place it in a bowl, steam until tender, and eat the pear while drinking the juice. Additionally, make sure to give your child plenty of water. For light coughs, you can give oral cough medicine such as Cough Clear (25mg, three times a day) or Fenpropamine (20-40mg, three times a day) or Dextromethorphan (15-30mg, three times a day).