
Can a nine-month-old baby drink yogurt?


Can a nine-month-old baby drink yogurt? When a baby reaches nine months old, many parents consider introducing new foods, including yogurt, to their child. However, for such a young child, yogurt may not be an ideal choice. Yogurt has a higher acidity, which may irritate the delicate mucous membranes of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and affect digestion and absorption. Moreover, the baby’s intestinal flora is developing and changing, and consuming too many probiotics, such as the acidophilus found in yogurt, may disrupt the existing microbial balance in the intestines, leading to intestinal disorders. According to medical advice, babies under one year of age should avoid drinking yogurt. During infancy, the child’s gastrointestinal system is still developing, with lower activity of gastric acid and pepsin, making their gastric mucosal barrier not yet strong enough. The strong acidity of yogurt can cause damage to the baby’s intestinal mucosa when entering the gastrointestinal tract, disturbing the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Therefore, for a nine-month-old baby, it is recommended not to drink yogurt or at least to limit the amount consumed very sparingly. If concerned about the baby lacking probiotics, consider other methods such as obtaining them through breast milk or infant formula. After the baby turns one year old, yogurt can be gradually introduced as part of a healthy diet.