
The baby has been coughing for a day, not severe, but a month ago, the cough was productive with some wheezing, and the baby was hospitalized for 7 days. They received intravenous fluids, nebulization, and were administered ceftriaxone and similar drugs. A few days ago, I felt there was phlegm in the baby’s throat again, about once a day, white and thin, yesterday…


Consider the possibility of bronchial infection or pneumonia. It is recommended to consult a doctor for auscultation and scanning diagnosis, and if necessary, take detailed X-rays for diagnosis. Guidance: Mild infections can be treated with symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. For cough or phlegm, fresh bamboo decoction or pediatric Magan granules can be taken. In severe cases, intravenous fluid administration is recommended. Also, be cautious of mycoplasma infection; if mycoplasma infection is suspected, consider using intravenous red mold injection or oral azithromycin dry suspension. Pay attention to rest. If there is a fever, use antipyretic medication for symptomatic treatment. The doctor inquires: