
Why does a 2-month-old baby not take a nap during the day and have trouble sleeping at night? Do they need to supplement calcium? How much sleep is ideal for them?


There are many reasons why a 2-month-old baby may not sleep, and it’s not just due to a lack of calcium. A drop in blood calcium levels could increase the excitability of the brain and the autonomic nervous system, leading to restless sleep at night. Additionally, factors such as indigestion, overexcitement, not having developed a nap habit, wet diapers, and noisy environments may also affect sleep. It’s recommended to create a quiet environment for the baby before bedtime and consider using disposable diapers to reduce nighttime waking. If the baby continues to cry, gentle soothing is advised but avoid immediate response to give the baby a chance to fall asleep on their own. I hope my answer satisfies you, and wish the baby healthy growth.