
Lately, my child has been crying at night without any apparent reason. They seem fine otherwise, but they will suddenly close their eyes and cry for no reason. After drinking milk, they fall asleep within two minutes but start crying again. This situation has been going on for a week. I have taken them to see a doctor and given them some medicine, but the effect is not obvious. I don’t know what else I can do to help.


Nighttime crying and screaming can be categorized into non-pathological and pathological types. Non-pathological crying and screaming may include reasons such as being cold or hot, hungry, having a wet diaper, having a bowel movement, being tired, or feeling scared. Pathological crying and screaming refer to abnormal crying and screaming that may be due to infections or pain. For non-pathological crying and screaming, it is important to observe the baby’s needs and meet them promptly, such as changing the diaper, feeding them, or comforting them. For pathological crying and screaming, it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly to find the cause and treat it accordingly. Additionally, a baby’s nighttime crying and screaming may also be related to the sleep environment, such as being too cold or too hot, excessive noise, or too bright lighting. Adjusting the baby’s sleep environment to create a quiet, comfortable, and temperature-appropriate setting can help the baby sleep better.