
How can you tell if a newborn is full?


There are several ways to determine if an infant is satisfied:

  1. Observe the sensation of the mother’s breasts before feeding. When breasts are full of milk, they feel full and firm with prominent veins, and milk flows easily upon pressure. After feeding, breasts become soft and slightly saggy.
  2. Pay attention to the sounds of the baby suckling. If the baby makes a swallowing sound every 2 to 3 suckles and continues for about 10 minutes, this usually indicates that the baby is satisfied. If the baby has to exert force while suckling or clings to the nipple after feeding, it may be a sign that the baby is not yet satisfied.
  3. Notice the baby’s feeling of contentment after feeding. Typically, a satisfied baby will sleep quietly for 2 to 4 hours. If the baby cries restlessly or wakes up within 1 to 2 hours, this might suggest that the baby is not yet satisfied and may need an appropriate increase in milk quantity.
  4. Monitor the frequency of the baby’s bowel movements. Breastfed babies usually have stools that are golden yellow, while formula-fed babies have drier stools that are lighter yellow. If the baby has bowel movements 2 to 4 times a day and urinates about 8 to 9 times, this generally indicates that the baby is satisfied. If the baby…