
The child has been coughing with dry stools and only coughs after having a fever, which has been going on for over a month. Previous treatment and effects: Seen many Western doctors and taken many Western medicines, but still no improvement. Assistance sought: Can some traditional Chinese medicine be prescribed? What would be suitable…


Many diseases can cause cough symptoms, such as respiratory infections, bronchial dilation, pneumonia, pharyngitis, etc. To Western medicine, cough is just a symptom, and treatment mainly involves anti-inflammatory and lung clearing. However, traditional Chinese medicine believes that although cough is one of the main symptoms of lung diseases, there is an ancient saying that ‘all five zang and six fu organs can cause cough, not just the lungs.’ Cough is not only a manifestation of lung diseases but can also occur when other organs are diseased and affect the lungs. Children’s coughs are more severe than adults’, and most will cough much more. Parents often rush to see a doctor and give medicine when they see their child coughing a little. The result is that the child’s appetite decreases, their appetite is not good, and nutrition cannot catch up. The child’s immunity is poor, making them more susceptible to fever and cough. As a result, these children often fall into a vicious cycle. They tend to be thin and have a sallow complexion, and even asthma may occur. Therefore, when children have cough symptoms, parents should first carefully observe their cough to see if there are any complications or systemic symptoms before deciding how to seek immediate medical attention. It is recommended to combine traditional Chinese medicine for adjustment, such as taking some Er Kang Ning or Si Junzi Formula. It is not recommended to let children frequently take antibiotic tablets or receive injections as this will affect their immunity. See a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, identify the cause of the disease early on, and prescribe medication accordingly! I hope my explanation can help you. Wishing you well-being!