
How do I introduce complementary foods to a newborn? My child only eats formula milk and I’m not sure what to give them?


Before introducing any new food, it’s important to start with a very small amount to ensure there are no adverse reactions. For example, when introducing egg yolks, start with a quarter of a portion and confirm that they can adapt. Then gradually increase to one-third, one-half, three-quarters, and finally the entire yolk. Additionally, it’s best to introduce only one new food at a time rather than several at once. As children grow older, they can start with thinner foods and gradually transition to thicker ones, eventually reaching solid foods. When preparing complementary foods, start with a fine paste and gradually change the texture as the child grows. It’s crucial to introduce new foods when the child is healthy. If they are sick or not adapting to a particular food, pause the introduction until they recover or adapt. Wishing your baby a healthy growth!