
Why does my baby sweat excessively, whether playing during the day or sleeping for a nap at night? Besides possibly being due to calcium deficiency, are there other causes or treatment methods?


It is common for babies to sweat during deep sleep, and not all cases are symptoms of weak constitution or illness. Many parents believe that their child’s weak constitution leads to continuous night sweats. In fact, a significant number of children experience physiological hyperhidrosis. Physiological hyperhidrosis often occurs on the head and neck and usually stops within an hour after falling asleep. During infancy, due to the vigorous metabolism and the lively and active nature of children, some may still be restless even after getting into bed at night, so sweating on the head can occur upon falling asleep. So-called physiological hyperhidrosis refers to sweating during deep sleep in children who are growing and developing well, with good health and no diseases. Parents often rely on their own subjective perceptions to choose the best environmental temperature for their children, preferring to cover the baby more warmly. Children, due to the incomplete development of the nervous system and being in a period of growth and development, have a very active metabolism. Added to this is the heat stimulus; sweating is necessary to evaporate heat from the body and adjust the normal body temperature.