
How can I supplement calcium, iron, and zinc for my infant? My child is 108 days old, and I bought a calcium, iron, and zinc syrup from Jinshi Kang. What kind of assistance is needed during the parenting process?


Hello, when it comes to supplementing calcium, iron, and zinc for infants, it’s generally advised not to use medication to supplement calcium. Some parents might give their children cod liver oil and calcium powder, often in excessive amounts. This approach is incorrect and can be harmful to a child’s health. Just because a baby’s teeth come in early or late doesn’t necessarily mean they are deficient in calcium. Even if late teething is due to a calcium deficiency, one should not blindly supplement calcium without a doctor’s guidance. It’s easy for infants to suffer from poisoning if parents administer large doses of cod liver oil, vitamin D, and calcium supplements without medical supervision. I personally recommend that while supplementing calcium, it’s also beneficial to add some probiotics to the diet, as infants’ gastrointestinal systems are not fully developed and this can affect calcium absorption. Additionally, an imperfect gastrointestinal system is one of the reasons behind infant eczema, so protecting an infant’s gastrointestinal system is crucial. For infants between 3 months and 3 years old, they need 600 milligrams of calcium daily. If breastfed exclusively, there is 34 milligrams of calcium in every 100 milliliters of breast milk, so parents can calculate the required amount accordingly. For those on mixed or formula feeding, or using formula milk, each type of milk product contains a certain amount of calcium as well. I hope your child stays healthy.