
My baby is 21 days old today. He cries for milk every time he wakes up and needs to be fed almost every hour and a half. His belly becomes bloated after feeding, and I’m worried about his digestion. Now I’m hesitant to feed him. Dear doctor, what should I do? Will this frequent feeding affect his health?


It’s not necessarily that the baby is eating too much; it’s more likely that he’s not getting enough to eat each time. It’s best to establish a routine, ensuring the baby is fully fed during each feeding session and spaced out every three hours. For formula-fed babies, a single feeding might be about 120 milliliters, while for breastfed babies, it’s important to ensure they nurse for more than 20-30 minutes to get enough milk. Long-term underfeeding can affect the baby’s growth and development. If the baby has normal bowel movements and does not have dry heaves or normal flatulence , consider that there may be no abdominal pain.